Did you know that nearly 90% of people trust customer reviews more than they trust advertising?

Did you know that nearly 90% of people trust customer reviews more than they trust advertising?
In other words, they’re not really interested in what you have to say about your own business – they want to hear what other people have to say.
Fortunately, that means they will listen to the opinions of your clients. They are seen as more reliable and authentic. They are much more influential.
So, instead of trying to sell your business yourself, let other people do it for you.
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"Every fitness business needs video testimonials"
The most powerful testimonials are video testimonials. The problem is, most business owners don’t know how to capture an effective testimonial.
A poor quality testimonial can do more harm than good. That’s why we’ve put together this simple guide to recording killer testimonials for your fitness business.
What gear do I need?
A smartphone is all you need. Anything mentioned below is a bonus.
Audio is critical. Your audience will switch off if they can’t clearly understand what the person is saying.
For great audio, we recommend investing in a basic microphone that plugs into your smartphone.
We’ve experienced great audio success with either the Rode VideoMic Me for Apple phones: (http://www.rode.com/videomicme) or the Rode smartLav+ (http://www.smartlav.com/) for Apple and Android.
Very importantly, be sure to turn off anything producing background noise, such as fans, when recording.

Wobbly video looks very unprofessional. Ensure your smartphone remains still when recording with a basic tripod for smartphones.
Choose a location in your fitness facility where you have good lighting. If the background is too bright, then the person will often appear shadowy or unclear in the video. Try a few locations to see what works best.
Try and record the video with an enticing view inside your fitness business in the background. This will give viewers a sneak peak of your facility.
Alternatively, if you have a wall painted with branding, position the person in front of the wall. That way your branding remains in the frame and reinforces your advertising.
"A good testimonial is one that resonates with your ideal client."
Who should feature in your testimonials?
A good testimonial is one that resonates with your ideal client.
So, if you’re trying to attract 30 to 40-year-old mothers into your studio, make sure you record a testimonial with a 30 to 40-year-old mother. Simple.
What style of video?
Unless your name is Michael Bay, don’t try to go over-the-top with your video.
Try one of these two simple, but effective, styles:
Client Only in The Frame

This style of testimonial frames only the person giving the testimonial in the shot. The person asking the questions is off-camera.
When we use this option, we like to have the client positioned on either side of the frame. This is the “rule of thirds” technique, which is visually appealing.
Here is a screenshot showing this style of video with the client on the right side of the frame
Client with a Trainer

This style of testimonial has the trainer on the video asking the client questions. This type of video works well because it is more conversational. It also helps familiarize the audience with your trainers.
Here is a screenshot showing this style of video. That’s me on the left interviewing one of our happy clients!
Make your client comfortable.
5 Key Steps to Recording the Testimonial
Step 1: Introduce the Client
This style of testimonial frames only the person giving the testimonial in the shot. The person asking the questions is off-camera.
When we use this option, we like to have the client positioned on either side of the frame. This is the “rule of thirds” technique, which is visually appealing.
Here is a screenshot showing this style of video with the client on the right side of the frame
Step 2: The Before
Here we want to really tie in the emotion. We want them to talk about the frustrations they were dealing with before joining your fitness program.
Stage 3: Address Objections
Talk about the main objections/concerns they had before they decided to work out at your studio.
Stage 4: The During
Describe the experience of working out at your facility and the particular program.
Stage 5: The After
Highlight the results achieved. You want your client to describe their improvement using specifics. For example, mention that they lost 10 pounds/kilograms or 5 inches around their waist. Encourage your client to talk about how they feel and how their life has changed for the better.
This simple approach to crafting your video testimonials gives you all the critical components of an effective video testimonial.
If you follow this process, your testimonials are going to have a much bigger impact on the leads that watch them. Leads that watch testimonials will be much “warmer” when you try to sell them into your programs.